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Managing Medication for Individuals with Dementia

Importance of Monitoring Medication

As dementia progresses, individuals may struggle to manage their own health needs:

  • Identifying Health Issues: Individuals with dementia may have difficulty recognising their own health problems.
  • Observing Signs: Caregivers should watch for signs of pain or discomfort in the person.

Optimising Medication Use

Steps to optimise medication management for individuals with dementia:

  • Minimising Medication: Reduce unnecessary prescription and over-the-counter drugs after diagnosis.
  • Consultation with GP: Regularly review medications with the GP to ensure appropriateness and minimal dosage.
  • Monitoring Effects: Report any medication-related confusion or side effects to the GP promptly.
  • Behavioural Medications: Ensure medications for behavioural symptoms are regularly reassessed.

Practical Medication Strategies

Useful tips for managing medication adherence:

  • Organisational Aids: Use pill boxes or individually marked tablets for correct dosing.
  • Secure Storage: Keep medications out of reach and sight to prevent accidental overuse.

Seek advice from healthcare professionals like your Doctor or Pharmacist for further guidance on managing medication effectively for dementia.